Annual Report

Termii's 2023 Annual Report

As every company does, we started the year with so much drive to build a business that every African would love and that we did, but faced many challenges along the way. Thanks to you, we were able to overcome most of them.

Read Our 2023 Annual Report

January 22nd, 2023

Termii's 2023 Annual Report

The year 2023 was both pivotal and challenging for Termii and I would like to thank everyone who supported us throughout the year. 🙏🏽
We started the year by expanding our services beyond A2P messaging and venturing into other telecom services like mobile and voice services for businesses, thereby hitting multiple milestones as a company despite the macroeconomic challenges we faced.

Major Activities in 2023
1. We announced the close of a $3.65 Million funding round led by Ventures Platform and Fintech Collective with participation from other notable investors.
2. We grew our customer transactions from 315 Million to 700 Million as of December 2023 in Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Kenya.
3. We grew our mobile user base to 170,000 subscribers and onboarded a total of 13,000 businesses with a subscriber reach of 6 million unique Africans monthly.
4. In partnership with paystack, we launched our loop community event for the year and had a lot of developers in attendance from both banks and large enterprise organisations. We plan to build more on this success in future events.
5. In partnership with Moniepoint, we hosted Termii Elevate 2.0 with founders, tech enthusiasts and customers attending the event while partners like Truecaller, Umba, Waystream and Tyms showcased their businesses to attendees.

Towards the last half of the year, we ventured deeper into the mobile space via the launch of our mobile app "Termii Go". The app, allows users to interact with businesses and log securely into multiple applications like Twitter and Facebook as well as any other platform that has 2FA features active.

Thanks for reading and Cheers 🥂 to an amazing year ahead!
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